6 am came way to early... I moaned and groaned but eventually got up out of bed. This didnt change after the first day of school. You'd think that my body would get used to waking up at that time after a while. Not a chance.
Probably the best thing about my school was that we werent allowed to wear makeup to school. Being that we would be applying it all day during school. This saved me a solid 40 mins each morning. So basically all i had to do was roll out of bed eat get dressed attempt to do something with my hair and walk out the door. Oh and then there was the fact that my school was literally on the other side of the apartment complex. A 30 sec walk at most.
This was the fabulous makeup we were required to buy for school. Actually this wasnt even half of it. But i tell ya sitting and playing with this makeup was like a dream come true.
At school we each had our own little station to set up. This was mine :)
Now i could make a blog for each time we learned something new in school but then i would be making pages and pages of blogs so to save myself the headache im just going to post pretty much all the pictures of things we learned in class.
I cant even explain how much information was taught in a day. It was 8 hours 5 days a week of constant information and practice. It got tothe point where before and after lunch break felt like 2 seperate days. But i was loving every single minute of it.
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